
Showing posts from 2007

I don't want to pay!

Here is a copy of a mail one of my customers sent me, it never ceases to amaze me at the most obscure, tenuous and petty reasons or excuses people will come up with as to why they should pay less or if possible nothing at all! Regarding the installation of our new pc onto the network. Whilst I do not mind paying £65 per hour for the installation for a reasonable amount of time, a few years ago it took one of your staff 5 hours to put a pc onto the network because he clearly did not know what he was doing. Following this we have always agreed a fixed price of one hours labour which should easily be enough time. Should there be any unforeseen problems our end, obviously we would be happy to pay for the extra time. Are you happy with this? Wadda you think?

Who's your friend?

I've been a member of many Forums, mailing lists and groups and I have to say that I've never had a major spat or flame war with anyone outside the UK. Just recently I joined the forum and although its only been a couple of weeks already I've hooked up with a couple of members who have been welcoming and friendly unlike some UK groups where I always seem to get the one individual ready to swoop down from their perch like some demented bird of prey screaming "You're wrong, thats not right" and so on. I often wonder why? Is it that they are frightened of someone new muscling in on their territory? Do they get a kick out of humiliating you in a quasi public forum? Or is it a UK thing? Everyone is wrong once in a while but its the way you correct that error thats important you don't have to be 'Billy Big Boll@&#s' about it. My favorite bone of contention is where people don't read your mail properly, they see a word or paragraph th...

Planet Blogs

I've decided to critique certain blogs, to be more precise I'm going to highlight the blogs that are listed on Planet websites where the content, In My Opinion, is banal, unconnected to the sites purpose and or just pointless. I'll own up and admit this was brought on by sour grapes on my part due to a certain Planet site guy refusing my inclusion because quote; "I'm having difficulty in determining how you contribute to the community". Plus I'm no great fan of blogs or websites that just have puerile drivel on them because the owners feel they must put something up regardless of its worth. (Theres no point in suing me I'm skint)


Why do people perform maintenance on websites at prime times of the day? Just lately Joomla Forge has taken to doing it in the middle of the day, this is really annoying when you want to preview an extension or even download one. If it must be done in the day run a mirror image locally to work on then you just update the live site which should not affect the end user.

Rant Forum

So now my alter ego Dick Turpin has his own soap box