You can't make this stuff up!
Office bod: "Ello mate, is xyz there?" Me: "I'm afraid he left the office about fifteen minutes ago." Office bod: "Well he sent me an email for a second twin monitor. Thing is I want one the same size as Eric" Me: "And what size does Eric have?" Office bod: "A big one." Me: "A big one? Can you be more specific, what size is it?" Office bod: "Umm? 58 inch is it?" Me: "I have no idea, measure it diagonally from corner to corner." Office bod: "700mil" Me: [Deep sigh] "So 28" Inch then?" Office bod: "Yeah, suppose so." Me: "What size is the monitor you currently have?" Office bod: "19" inch" Me: "So do you want two 28" inch or just one 19" inch as they usually are the same size?" Office bod: "I suppose the 19" inch" Me: "So what size is the one xyz quoted?" Office bod: ...