Halloween starts early.
This afternoon is definitely warming up for Halloween! 1: Guess who? Customer: "I had a notification from SAGE for an upgrade but they also said some software patch had to be put on. Can you tell me if it's been done?" Me: "By whom? Us or Sage" Customer: "I don't know I've been off for two days." What? 2: I can't open it. Customer: "I'm trying to do a scan and it says cannot open scanner." Me: "But you only had a manufacturer engineer out yesterday and they was working fine?" Customer: "I know." Me: "Silly question, the scanner is on I take it?" Customer: "Oops" I give up. 3: Ghost in the machine. Customer: "Is Dave there?" Me: "No, he was with you?" Customer: "Oh, they left a while ago. I need to know if they sent an email while they was here. XYZ says I sent an email cancelling some payments but I wasn't in at 1pm?" Me: ...