The misses has bought some artificial flowers, they were sat on the kitchen windowsill last night when I came home. They're Ok, mind you what would I know about flowers anyway? I wasn't convinced they looked right where they were but after many years I have learnt to keep quiet on such matters. Wife: "Bubb, do these look OK on the telephone table?" Me: "TBH I wasn't convinced they looked right on the windowsill anyway." Wife: "So they're alright there then?" Me: "Thing is, I liked the glass vase one that was on the telephone table." Wife: "So you don't like it there?" Me: "Tell you what leave it a day or so and see how we feel." Wife: "I'll put it back in the kitchen." Me: "OK if you like." Wife: "You're so annoying! You moan you never get to choose stuff in the house and when I ask you about something you can't make your mind up!" Me: "Erm...