There's always someone better.

So I've been flogging my guts out every day walking and swimming. After a lunchtime walk I had a conversation with our receptionist who has been with us about eight months now. Samantha: "All this walking, maybe you should start walking to work?" Me: "Funny you should say that, It's about seven miles to my house by car but there's a public footpath that's about four mile. I was thinking of maybe getting a bike." Samantha: "Is that along the canal?" Me: "Well the disused one, yes. But it looks muddy in places?" Samantha: "I used to run to Walsall along that." Me: "Run to Walsall? From Cheslyn Hay?" Samantha: "Yes" Me: "How long did that take?" Samantha: "Three hours." Me: "Get lost run to Walsall." Samantha: "Pete, I used to do long distance running. I used to run for the county" Me: "Get lost and don't speak to m...