More bollocks from BBC Breakfast.

So the scaremongering continues on UK TV, in the desperate attempt to take away yet another of our civil liberties the government is on a mission to treat us like naughty school kids and stop us using the big bad Internet because? Well because it teaches us stuff and that's a bad thing for governments, they prefer thicko's.

BBC Breakfast trundled out a Manchester Police bod and this guy who is, quote: "An Internet security expert who has also been the victim of fraud." Not very bloody expert then is he?

Interviewer: "So I believe you yourself was a victim of fraud totalling some eight thousand pounds!"
Expert: "Yes, I had an old credit card that should have had a zero balance, when I looked at the statement there was several hundred transactions!"

He then went through the usual stuff about contacting his bank and that he thought some shop had stolen his details but here's the rub, I was asking myself these questions.

  1. Are you so filthy stinking rich that you don't check your statements?
  2. Are you so thick that when you see your statements you don't go "Hang on I didn't buy that?"
  3. Are you telling fibbs mate?
For Pete's sake BBC, get a producer with half a brain cell and stop having 'token evidence' people on your news programs!


David Goodwin said…
We can't control it ... people are stupid .... Ban everything!
Unknown said…
"Eight grand, you say? Dismissed it as a rounding error"
Unknown said…
"Eight grand, you say? Dismissed it as a rounding error"

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