Black Friday

I had a really bad day last Friday.

Prospect: "I'd like to order one of those Optiplex 745's at £140.00 please."
Me: "OK."
Prospect: "It will be for putting info in a spreadsheet. Just basic stuff."
Me: "You do know there's no Office package?"
Prospect: "What do you mean?"
Me: "There's no Office, you know, Word Excel etc."
Prospect: "But it says Windows 7 here!"
Me: "That's the operating system."
Prospect: "Well how much is Office then?"
Me: "I can do it for £165.00"
Prospect: "Does the Dell come with a keyboard and mouse?
Me: "Not normally but I'll throw them in."
Prospect: "What monitors have you got?"
Me: "What size do you want?"
Prospect: "I've no idea, I'll measure this one it's diagonal in't it?"
Me: "Yes."
Prospect: "20" inch"
Me: "I don't have any refurbed 20" I can do 19" inch for £35.00"
Prospect: "What about a bigger one?"
Me: By bigger one do you mean 22" Inch?"
Prospect: "Yeah"
Me: "OK they are £xyz"
Prospect: "And the next one?"
Me: "So a 23" inch is £xyz"
Prospect: "What's the next size up?"
Me: "24" inch. You can have a 48" inch plasma if you like?"
Prospect: "Nah, I'll have the £35 19" inch."
Me: [Through gritted teeth] "OK."
Prospect: "That keyboard and mouse, they are wireless?"
Prospect: "Oh."
Me: I'll get you a price, that will be £xyz"
Prospect: "Are they flat keys?"
Me: "What?"
Prospect: "Are the keys flat? They look so much smarter."
Me: "No they are not flat."
Prospect: "Have you got any flat ones?"
Me: With the greatest of respect, they don't generally put 'has flat keys' in the specifications and tbh I'm not looking at loads of pictures to find a flat key one."
Prospect: "It's OK I'll stick with the ones you're throwing in."

Fortunately he bought the items discussed before my head exploded.


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